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Showing articles from claim tag

How to View EOBS

**__How to View EOBS__** When you are logged into the system you will click on “Patient Chart” at the bottom of the screen. From here you will be brought to the patient chart in the “Patient Info” tab. You will want to search for a patient at the top right of this screen by entering a Medical Record Number, Last Nam…

Why Can I Only Select 4 Diagnosis (ICD-10) Codes for Diagnosis Pointers

Why Can I Only Select 4 Diagnosis (ICD-10) Codes for Diagnosis Pointers? Only 4 ICD-10 codes can be included as pointers for each line item. However, up to 12 ICD-10 codes (the first 12 of which were entered through the Assessment screen and can be seen listed in the picture below) will go on the claim itself. ![][1…

How Can I See Who Added and/or Deleted a CPT/Charge Code to a Claim?

There are 2 places to see this in Charges. 1. Go to Patient Chart -> Encounters -> Charges, select the "Show Deleted" Checkbox. This will show all codes, deleted and not deleted. The deleted codes will not have the red X and will have a column indicting it was deleted. The last modified user was the one to delete th…

Billing Provider Overrides - How to change certain values

Billing Provider Overrides - How to change certain values By default, Block 33 – Billing Provider Info on a HCFA 1500 billing form, or the EDI segment for Billing Provider is the pulled from the Practice Location ![][1] From Admin -> Billing -> Payor Entry screen, you can see this default: ![][2] This will pull t…

Billing Edit Claims: Creating a New Claim

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How Do I Change the Value of CMS1500 Accept Assignment Field (Block 27)

The value for the "Accept Assignment" field on the CMS 1500 Claim Form is "Yes" by default. If you need to make it check "No" then you need to set the Claim Override for it. ![][1] Follow these steps to change it in Claim Overrides: 1. Make sure you are on the Claim Info tab on the Charges screen - where you would…

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