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Showing articles from ICD10 tag

How to find an ICD-10 Code / Diagnosis Code?

Any time you select an ICD-10 / diagnosis code for a patient through Encounters -> Assessment, that code will move to your Common list which is the default tab that this screen loads with. If you cannot find a code in your common list, the full list is in the system and you must click on the "Adv. Search" tab to find …

Why Can I Only Select 4 Diagnosis (ICD-10) Codes for Diagnosis Pointers

Why Can I Only Select 4 Diagnosis (ICD-10) Codes for Diagnosis Pointers? Only 4 ICD-10 codes can be included as pointers for each line item. However, up to 12 ICD-10 codes (the first 12 of which were entered through the Assessment screen and can be seen listed in the picture below) will go on the claim itself. ![][1…

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