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Showing articles from charges tag

How Can I Change the Date of Service for a Line Item / Single Charge Code?

Sometimes when you are adding charges to a claim, you may need to edit the Date of Service of that line item only. An example is for hospital claims where you need to cover all days the provider rendered services in the hospital for a particular patient. The process of adding a charge code and then changing the date …

How Can I See Who Added and/or Deleted a CPT/Charge Code to a Claim?

There are 2 places to see this in Charges. 1. Go to Patient Chart -> Encounters -> Charges, select the "Show Deleted" Checkbox. This will show all codes, deleted and not deleted. The deleted codes will not have the red X and will have a column indicting it was deleted. The last modified user was the one to delete th…

Why can I not add charges/CPT codes to an Encounter?

The reason you cannot add CPT codes/Charges to an encounter is typically because the “Appointment Type Billing Behavior” column is either not set or set to "Non-Billable Encounter". You should check that column value and if it says “[EditValue is Null]” or "Non-Billable Encounter” then that means no Claim is created a…

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