Navigate to Reports and expand the Encounters node, then select the report “Encounters by Status” You can enter parameters for the status date range and select the particular status of closed. You can also narrow down by provider, Appointment Type and Practice Location.
Claim Status is a list that can be added to from Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry 1. Navigate to Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry, Select the list named "Claim Status" 2. Scroll to the bottom where the blank row is and type in the List Item Name and Description of the status you want to add: 3. There ar…
How to Set Scheduler Colors: When you have appointments on your Scheduler, the colors displayed in the "block" of time of the appointment represents the STATUS of the appointment: If you want to change these selections, Navigate to the blue menu bar You will get a new pop-up window with a list of eac…
1. Navigate to Billing -> Edit Claims and search for the claim. 2. Then in the Claim Details below, select the “Status Hx” button and then you can use the “Print” button on this pop-up A couple tips for viewing the whole date with time is you can either stretch the whole pop-up by dragging the bottom right corner…
Short List Version of All Statuses: Pending: Initial status of claims - when a billable encounter is created a claim is created in this status Ready to Bill: Manual status when a user is ready for a claim to be generated - Generate Claims screen looks for claims in this status by default Generated: Interim st…
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