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Admin: Audit Logs Tutorial

Watch this 8 min video on how Audit Logs work.

How Can I See if an Appointment was Deleted and if so, the person that Deleted it

How Can I See if an Appointment was Deleted and if so, the person that Deleted it 1. An appointment that was not Checked In yet can only be seen from Audit Logs. So, we first suggest you go to Admin -> Admin -> Audit Logs At the top, search for the patient and also add a date range, then click on the Submit button.…

How to cancel a Fax

You will go to the Dashboardà Faxà Pending Then you should see next to the fax you are looking to cancel, the red X on the right-hand side of the screen. ![][1] Once done, you should see this fax out of the ‘Pending’ folder and now in the ‘Cancelled’ folder. [1]:…

How Can I See Who Added and/or Deleted a CPT/Charge Code to a Claim?

There are 2 places to see this in Charges. 1. Go to Patient Chart -> Encounters -> Charges, select the "Show Deleted" Checkbox. This will show all codes, deleted and not deleted. The deleted codes will not have the red X and will have a column indicting it was deleted. The last modified user was the one to delete th…

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