Watch this 1 hr 15 min video tutorial on charting for anyone in the Medical Assistant (MA) or Nursing role.
If you have accidentally added an encounter or a duplicate encounter these are the steps to delete the encounter. You will right click on the encounter you would like to delete and then select ‘Delete’ A pop up will come up confirming if this is the encounter you would like to delete, if so you will select ‘yes’ …
Watch this video to see the flow of status changes for Appointments and/or Encounters in ReLiMed EMR. 11 mins
Once an encounter is closed, you cannot make changes to it unless it is one of the following sections: - Charges NOTE: If the claim has already been transmitted, changing the charge codes will cause the claim to go back to Pending in order for your billers to see it - Referrals This is so a Referral Coordinator h…
If you are looking for a smart phrase to be added when closing encounters for clinicians who are working under your supervision you should follow these steps. Admin à Personnel à Personnel Entry You will search for the provider supervisor you would like to add this smart phrase to. Once you search for that nam…