View this 44 min video to learn all about the ReLiMed EMR Scheduler.
Watch this video to see the flow of status changes for Appointments and/or Encounters in ReLiMed EMR. 11 mins
How Can I See if an Appointment was Deleted and if so, the person that Deleted it 1. An appointment that was not Checked In yet can only be seen from Audit Logs. So, we first suggest you go to Admin -> Admin -> Audit Logs At the top, search for the patient and also add a date range, then click on the Submit bu…
Blocking off scheduler for specific appointments and scheduling the appropriate appointment in these blocked out times. You have two options which you can follow for this: * From Admin tab (bottom of screen) -> Lists -> List item entry -> Appointment task type… You can create many appointment task types that hav…
There are certain appt types (encounters) which can be closed by Non-Providers. The ability to close the encounter is driven by the Template type. To add or edit an Appointment type… Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry -> Appointment Type -> Template type Shot only, Lab only, and Non Face-to-Face template type…