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Showing articles from billing tag

How can I see all Claims that Billed a Particular CPT Code

In order to see all claims, count of times used, and reimbursement for a particular CPT Code, you can run the CPT Usage Report. 1. Navigate to the Reports screen using the bottom toolbar on ReLi Med. 2. Once on the Reports screen, select the report from the menu on the left side of the screen. To find this report, e…

Adding an Insurance Card Image through Document Management

This Help Document shows how to add an Insurance Card image through Document Management when you already have the image file stored on your network or local computer. You can also use the "Scan" button from Patient Info -> Insurance, if you select the insurance policy from the grid, then click on Card Image tab, you w…

How to Control Signature for Blocks 12 and 13 on 1500 Claim Form

When a patient is added to the system, there are 2 fields that are defaulted to Yes. Go to Patient Demographics -> Advanced and see these two fields: ![][1] When these are set to No, this will result in "No signature on file" to be printed on your printed HCFA 1500 claim forms. Set them to Yes and remember to save…

Billing Provider Overrides - How to change certain values

Billing Provider Overrides - How to change certain values By default, Block 33 – Billing Provider Info on a HCFA 1500 billing form, or the EDI segment for Billing Provider is the pulled from the Practice Location ![][1] From Admin -> Billing -> Payor Entry screen, you can see this default: ![][2] This will pull t…

Billing Edit Claims: Creating a New Claim

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How to apply a credit from one claim to another claim for a patient

If you see a patient has a credit balance on one claim and a balance on a later claim, you can easily move the overpayment/credit to the later claim with a balance. ![][1] Select the "Credit Transfer" button which will only show on claims where there exists a credit balance. On the window that pops-up, you can then…

Billing Edit Claims: Billing Secondary Claims/Setting COB Information

COB Overrides are done on all secondary claims. IF claims come in as ERA most areas are prefilled Manual posting and $0.00 payments will have to be filled in manual Please follow the following steps each and every time and you will be successful with overrides. 1. To Begin go to the Rebills/COB tab. 2. Review you…

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