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Showing articles from lab tag

Marking mass amount of elab results as 'Reviewed'

If you need to mark a mass amount of elab results reviewed, you can do this under Dashboardà Orders mgmtà elab results. You will want to set the fields correctly depending on location, provider, and date range. You will use the drop downs for these fields. Then click ‘Refresh’. ![][1] Once you have the correct elab…

Patient lab result attached to wrong patient chart?

If you find an elab attached to an incorrect patient chart you can remap this to move to the correct patient chart. 1. You will go to the patient chart this was incorrectly attached to first and go to patient documents and select this elab document. 2. When you have selected the elab document, at the right-hand …

How to make the Lab Requisition Report always print to a different printer drawer?

How to make the Lab Requisition Report always print to a different printer drawer? 1. Navigate to your Windows File Explorer and look for the Folder called "Reli Med Solutions" ![][1] 2. Go into this File folder by double-clicking and then find the "emr client" folder ![][2] 3. Go into this File folder by double-…

How Can I Request an Interface to my Lab, Immunization Registry, or other Organization?

For any interface to be worked on, the process is for the practice to request an interface with that organization. You can provide them the following contact information: Name: Renu Kasula Email: [[email protected]][1] Phone: 919.852.3450 As an EMR vendor, we cannot request interfaces on the practice’s …

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