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Showing articles from labs tag

Marking mass amount of elab results as 'Reviewed'

If you need to mark a mass amount of elab results reviewed, you can do this under Dashboardà Orders mgmtà elab results. You will want to set the fields correctly depending on location, provider, and date range. You will use the drop downs for these fields. Then click ‘Refresh’. ![][1] Once you have the correct elab…

How to Enter and Transmit a Future Lab Order

In order to send lab orders out of ReLiMed EMR, you will need an Encounter. We recommend adding a “Lab Order Only” appointment type and making it Non- billable. **To Order Future Lab:** * * From Patient Chart -> Encounter, you can use “+ New Encounter” button on right hand side above encounter list and choose …

How can I send a Lab Order ahead of the Office Visit?

A Lab Order needs an encounter in order to be entered and then transmitted. If you only need to send the order a day or two in advance, you can now Check in the Appointment on the Scheduler up to 2 days ahead of time. Once you change the status of the appointment to Checked In, an encounter will be created for that d…

Adding labs to 'Common Lab' tab

If you need a lab order to be added to the ‘Common Lab’ tab, you will just need to select this lab and add this to an encounter. You can also do this by adding to a test patients encounter if you currently do not have an encounter for a patient to add this lab to. Once selected this automatically adds the lab to the…

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