Watch this 20 minute video for a full overview of Corporate Accounts and how they work.
When you have to get pre-authorization for services and need to keep track of these along with recording the authorization number to send on the claim, you can enter and track these through Patient Insurance. * From Patient Insurance screen, select the appropriate insurance record on the top and then select “Au…
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Sometimes, you may want to adjust the charge amount just for a particular instance - for a patient/date of service, for example. If you wanted to change the charge amount, or create a new one, you would go to Admin -> Billing -> Master Charges, but if you just want to adjust it for this one time, you can force the…
There are 2 places to see this in Charges. 1. Go to Patient Chart -> Encounters -> Charges, select the "Show Deleted" Checkbox. This will show all codes, deleted and not deleted. The deleted codes will not have the red X and will have a column indicting it was deleted. The last modified user was the one to delete…
Most dropdowns in the system can be cleared by simply holding the control key and clicking on the delete key. An example is under Rebills/COB in Edit Claims, if you select a code in error and need to clear it just click control-delete and it will clear.
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First you will want to add ‘” Itemized Statements” as a new document type so you can attach these patient statements to the portal. You will do this by going to Admin à Lists à List item entry à and select “Document type” on the left-hand side of the screen. To add a new ‘Document type’ within this list scroll to t…
Normally, patient's have commercial health insurance paying for their claims. However, sometimes, it may be covered by a Workman's Comp case or Personal Injury/Car Accident case. These "payors" are typically insurance companies or could even be lawyer offices. These are entered very similarly to a regular medical …
If you need to set an overriding rendering provider for all claims for billing purposes, you can set a global billing override. This is handy if you have a new provider that is not yet credentialed. Go to Admin -> Personnel -> Personnel Entry and search and select the provider that needs the override. Go to Prov…