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How Can I See if an Appointment was Deleted and if so, the person that Deleted it

How Can I See if an Appointment was Deleted and if so, the person that Deleted it


1. An appointment that was not Checked In yet can only be seen from Audit Logs.


    So, we first suggest you go to Admin -> Admin -> Audit Logs

    At the top, search for the patient and also add a date range, then click on the Submit button. You would then look for a Delete - Scheduler row




This shows the personnel that did the delete and the date/time. Note this date/time is in UTC format (which is EST - 5 hours) but then you can click on the Details button to get more information and see the time at the top in your PC's time zone format. 




2. You can also run the Scheduler report from the Scheduler screen called Appointment by Patient/Status by clicking on Reports from the blue bar at the top of the screen to find any appointments deleted after they had been checked in:



3. Choose the date range which is for the appointment date NOT when it was deleted and select Deleted from the appointment status dropdown and then click on the Submit button. 




  • 292
  • 23-Dec-2022