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Showing articles from import tag

How to Import a CCDA Document

It is possible for another medical provider to provide to you a specially formatted document called a CCDA (Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture). This document has several sections that cover many parts of a patient's clinical chart. Steps to import the CCDA: 1. Navigate to Document Management and select the…

How to Import from a previous encounter

**_Import directions_** **From Patient Chart -> Encounters -> Select click on today's encounter (encounter must be open) ->hover your mouse over the encounter you want to import into today's encounter-> Right click and select import from** ![][1] **Select all the fields you want to import into new encounter (defaul…

What is the best/easiest way to copy a patient's diagnosis codes to a new encounter?

There are two ways to do this. 1. From the Encounters -> Assessment screen, you can always go to the "Pt Hx" tab to view and select any of a previously used diagnosis (ICD-10) code for this patient: ![][1] 2. If you want to use a previous encounter, you can use the "Import from" a previous encounter by keeping your…

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