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How to Set Scheduler Colors

How to Set Scheduler Colors:


When you have appointments on your Scheduler, the colors displayed in the "block" of time of the appointment represents the STATUS of the appointment:



If you want to change these selections, Navigate to the blue menu bar 



You will get a new pop-up window with a list of each Appointment status and then to the right, click on the color definition. This will drop down another selection of colors - either from the Custom, Web, or System tabs. Simply select the new desire color for each status. 


Be sure to then select the Save button at the top. 



If you would like a color to distinguish between Appointment Types, then you can define the color of the left bar of each appointment:



To adjust these colors, go to the same menu option Scheduler Options but then choose "Change Appointment Type Colors"



The pop-up window will work just like the Status Color changes window, to the right, click on the color definition. This will drop down another selection of colors - either from the Custom, Web, or System tabs. Simply select the new desire color for each Appointment Type. 


Be sure to then select the Save button at the top. 


  • 463
  • 19-Feb-2024