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How to Add an Itemized bill to Patient Portal

First you will want to add ‘” Itemized Statements” as a new document type so you can attach these patient statements to the portal.

You will do this by going to AdminàListsàList item entryà and select “Document type” on the left-hand side of the screen. To add a new ‘Document type’ within this list scroll to the bottom of the list to the empty line. Name it “Itemized statements”, set Medical indicator as “non-medical”, Restricted Access as “Not Restricted”, and Show in Portal as “Show”.


Next you will want to get the itemized statement you want attached to this document. You will go to the Patient chartà Billing Accountà Payment Ledger.


Once in the payment ledger you will want to put a “To date”, “From date”, and mark the box “Include codes” to populate the itemized statement you are needing for the patient.


Now that you have the itemized statement you will need to export this into a PDF. You will do this by clicking “Print preview” , “File”, “Export Document”, “PDF file”. You will click “Ok” and then save this file into a folder on your computer.



Once this is saved now you will go to “Document Mgmt” and save this into the patient chart under the new Document type “Itemized statements”. After this is uploaded into the patient documents it will take a few minutes to populate on the patient portal.

  • 289
  • 23-Apr-2024