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Showing articles from Document tag

How to Add an Itemized bill to Patient Portal

First you will want to add ‘” Itemized Statements” as a new document type so you can attach these patient statements to the portal. You will do this by going to AdminàListsàList item entryà and select “Document type” on the left-hand side of the screen. To add a new ‘Document type’ within this list scroll to the bott…

TIme Issues within ReLi Med

**_Time Issues within ReLi Med_** If you are experiencing any issues regarding the timing of notes, prescriptions, or documents being entered in the system you will want to make sure your specific computer time zone settings are set up correctly. Once fixed the issue of when a prescription was put in the system, or a…

How Do I Delete a Patient Document Attached in Error

How Do I Delete a Patient Document Attached in Error If this document was simply attached to the wrong patient, you can change the patient the document is attached to. 1. Go to the Patient Chart -> Patient Documents and select the document you wish to move to another patient. 2. Then Select "Change Patient" ![][1]…

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