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How can I see all Claims that Billed a Particular CPT Code

In order to see all claims, count of times used, and reimbursement for a particular CPT Code, you can run the CPT Usage Report.


1. Navigate to the Reports screen using the bottom toolbar on ReLi Med.

2. Once on the Reports screen, select the report from the menu on the left side of the screen. To find this report, expand the menu for Billing Reports, then Financial beneath. Under the Financial tree menu you will see CPT Usage Summary.



3) Run the report for any date range and search and select a particular CPT Code, then press submit. This will generate the report.


The report will be broken down by each CPT code charged by the office.

NOTE: You can leave out selecting the CPT code which will return every CPT code added to claims within the date rage. If you choose to run it this way, we recommend using a smaller date range as it will be a large amount of data.


On this report you can also group by payor, which will allow you to see how much is being paid by each insurance or group by provider for more detailed analysis. In addition, there is a report entitled “CPT Usage Details” which can be found in the menu you can expand from CPT Usage Summary using the small triangle on the right side. This report will provide the same essential information as the summary, but will also provide patient details and encounter date for when the CPT was charged.


For more information on other reports in the system, search for the Help Document called "Reporting Guide"

  • 259
  • 23-Apr-2024