Feb 19, 2025
Notes about Inactivating a Provider:
- When you inactivate a Provider, it will inactivate the provider's Scheduler Resource and therefore hide any future appointments. If the provider has future appointments, you can request support to move all the future appointments to another resource via email at [email protected]
- You can run the Scheduler report called "Appointments by Patient/Status" and put in the date range (or just a start date) and the select the resource to see if the provider has future appointments.
- Once you know what resource to move these future appointments to you will go to scheduler--> Scheduler options--> Move appointments. You will select the provider you would like to move appointments off of 'From Resource' and then select the resource or provider you would like to move these to 'To Resource'. Also entering in a date range for these appointments that need to be moved.
- If the provider was activated for ePrescribing, you should alert Support to inactivate them via email at [email protected]
- ***For support- We will wait 1 week before we inactivate surescripts for these providers in the EMR unless the client has asked us to do that ASAP in the system. If we do this too early then we would need to set them up again and surescripts recreates a new SPID when we do this, so therefore when we reactivate the provider they still may have to wait a day or 2 before being able to transmit medications to pharmacies within the EMR if this is done too early.
- If the provider was set as a Preferred Provider for any patients, it will be blank from then on and need to be set to a different provider
- You can run the report under Patient called "Patient Census Grouped By" and select grouped by Preferred Provider then use ctrl-f and search for the provider name
- If ReLiMed does Billing and / Credentialing for your practice, both teams will need be notified: [email protected] and [email protected]
- If your office does their own billing, just note if both checkboxes on Personnel screen are checked: "Employee is Inactive" and "Useraccount is Inactive" then this provider will not be able to be "searched" in all screens, meaning when you are selecting search criteria from a provider dropdown, this provider will not show. However, you will be able to still see and work on claims under this provider, searching by status, payor, and date ranges. The system will not hide the claims.
- However, if you just check the "Useraccount is Inactive" and leave the "Employee is Inactive" as unchecked, then you will still be able to search for the provider. However, the provider will no longer be able to login to the EMR.
Steps to Inactivate a User/Employee:
1. From the Admin screen go to Personnel then Personnel Entry.
2. In the dropdown list below, select the employee or user you wish to inactivate.
3. Next go to the Employment Info area in the bottom right hand side of the screen.
Select the checkbox labeled Employee is Inactive.
4. Useraccount is Inactive will automatically become selected. This is fine.
5. Click on the “Save” button in the top right corner to save edits to the personnel