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Showing articles from immunizations tag

How to Remove an Immunization After you have marked it Completed

How to Remove an Immunization After you have marked it Completed 1. From the Immunizations screen under Encounters, select the one that you need to remove and select the "HX" button. This is the Immunization Status History button: ![][1] 2. From the HX pop-up window, select the "Rollback Status" button to roll bac…

Not seeing an 'Item' in the drop down for Health Maintenance set up for Immunizations?

Health Maintenance: Setting up new immunization items to map with. If you are not seeing an ‘item’ in the drop down that relates to the immunization you are setting up a health maintenance for, you can follow these steps. **_Adding Immunization group:_** * You will go to Adminà Encounter Related Listsè Immunizati…

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