Why is the Health Maintenance for an Immunization Not Updating
If you have a Health Guideline that includes looking for an Immunization to have been administered and a patient’s health maintenance does not get updated, here is how to resolve this:
Below is a screenshot of what an Immunization Health Guideline may look like:
This is stating the Influenza immunization is due every year for patients aged 1 yr old and above. This rule/guideline has been in effect since 1/1/2021.
Things to check:
- The entry of the patient’s immunization: either the administration date entered on the Immunizations History screen or the Encounter date of the encounter where the immunization was entered under Encounters -> Immunizations screen is on or after the Health Guideline “Start Date”
- The “Item” mapped to the Immunization health guideline is an Immunization Group and the immunization administered or entered from Immunization history MUST be part of this group. To check this:
Navigate to Admin -> Encounter Related Lists -> Immunization List Entry and then select the sub-tab of “Associate Immunization to a Group”
You should select the Group on the left hand side to see the individual immunizations that are associated with that group. Typically, with the Flu vaccine, it changes every year and any NEW vaccine you enter under Immunization List Entry, you should add here to be associated with the group. This will ensure as you enter or chart the administration of the new vaccine that it will update the Health Maintenance for the patient according to the Health Guideline rule.
For example, if it was documented under Encounters -> Immunizations as: INV Influenza
However, the Health Maintenance is not showing 12/27/2024 as the “Latest Test Date” then the immunization was not properly mapped:
And you can see where this was entered under Admin -> Encounter Related Lists -> Immunization Entry as active and Common:
Then, you need to ADD this Influenza vaccine to the group, so navigate back to the “Associate Immunization to a Group” sub-tab from Immunization List Entry screen and click on the new row to select this common immunization. You will notice that all COMMON immunizations are marked with an asterisk (*):
Select it and tab over to save it:
NOTE: This will not retro-actively update any Health Maintenance for patients that already had the immunization charted. You will need to manually update the Health Maintenance for those patients.