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How to view Open Charts / Is there a Report for Open Charts

There are two ways to see open charts in the system:

  1. From Dashboard -> Encounters in Progress.
    1. As a Provider, you will be defaulted to just viewing your own open charts. However, you can use the Provider dropdown to select other providers. Non-provider users will be defaulted to all providers. You are also defaulted to just Today’s open charts by the tabs on the left. Select the “All” tab to view all or the various ranges of dates.


NOTE: The number in parentheses represents your own open count since you are logged in as a provider. For non-provider users, the count will represent all and they can collapse each group heading to see each provider’s open charts:



  1. From Reports -> Encounters, select “Open Encounters”, you can select a particular provider, or leave selection alone which will pull all providers’ open encounters. This is then displayed by date.



  • 488
  • 03-May-2024