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How to Restrict Access to Charts

ReLiMed EMR has the ability to restrict access to certain patient charts, certain Appointment types, and/or Document types from certain members of your staff.


1. If you need to restrict access to a patient chart, you would navigate to that Patient Chart -> Patient Info -> Advanced tab and select the checkbox labeled "Patient has requested Restricted Medical Record Access"



2. If you need to restrict certain Appointment Types, you would navigate to Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry and then select list name "Appointment Type" (Also available from Scheduler -> Scheduler Options -> Appointment Types) and then on the row for the appointment type, change the "Restricted Access" column from NotRestricted to Restricted. 




3. If you need to restrict certain Document Types, you would navigate to Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry and then select list name "Document Type"  and then on the row for the document type, change the "Restricted Access" column from NotRestricted to Restricted. 



Finally, to identify the staff members that are allowed to see these charts, documents, and/or appointments, you must grant the privilege for "Access Restricted Medical Records" from Admin -> Personnel -> Group Privileges, select the appropriate Privilege Group name and then search for privilege and mark it will full access.

Be sure to select the "Save" button in the upper right hand corner. Then once the users in that group log out and back in, they will not be allowed to see the chart, appointment type encounter, or document type document accordingly. 



When you are restricted from accessing the full chart, the patient summary information at the top of the screen will look like this and everything will be blanked out:



When you are restricted from accessing a certain encounter (appointment type), the encounter heading will look like this and every section of the encounter will be blanked out:


When you are restricted from accessing a certain document type, the entire document type (tab) under Patient Documents will be hidden:



versus with a user that has access:


  • 467
  • 08-Mar-2024