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How to Record Patient Payments (RCM Clients Only)

If the patient is being seen today, you can use the right-mouse button from the appointment and select "Add patient to Payment Log" option.



This will pop-up the Payment Log and pre-populate the patient onto that log:



You can leave this window up throughout the day if you wish.

  • Remember to fill in the amount, reference number, select Pmt For Copay Only or Balance and an optionally write comments or a payment description if the payment is for a specific date of service. 
  • If the Payment is for a self pay visit and you mean the amount to be the full amount regardless of charges being added, then you can add "PIF" or "Payment in Full" in the comments which tells our billing team to adjust the rest of the charges on this date of service. 


BEST PRACTICE: At the end of the day, reconcile all cash, credit card receipts and checks you have collected against the totals at the bottom and then Mark the payment log as "Closed" with the "Mark Closed" button at the top. This will alert our billing team to post these payments appropriately.


If the patient is not on the schedule, then you can always click into the cell that says [Select patient here] and it will bring up the patient search box so you can find the appropriate patient. This is handy when a patient mails in a check or phones in a payment. 


Only use the Payment Log for Patient payments and NOT payor payments. 


  • 435
  • 07-Dec-2023