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How to Manually add/edit Health Maintenance to Patient Chart

If you need to update a Health Maintenance item/screening, you will click on the Ellipsis button (...)

next to the "View HM Guidelines" at the top right corner in the patient chart:

This will show the current status of each Health Guideline that has triggered for this particular patient:

To see why this guideline triggered for this patient (how the rule is defined for your practice) click on the blue button labeled "Show Rule"

The "Next Due Date" will show an actual date if there was ever a screening previously noted with a date, or "Overdue" when the system does not know when the last time this was done. 

Some of these are automatically updated by the system for the columns "Last Ordered Date" and "Last Test Date." These include:

- Encounter type guidelines, for example, Physical: The date of the last closed encounter of the physical type

- Tests/Procedure guidelines that are mapped to a particular Test/Procedure will update Last Ordered Date when in Ordered status and when set to Completed, will update the Last Test Date

- Immunization guidelines that are mapped to an Immunization Group (which has individual Immunizations mapped to the group) will update the Last Ordered Date when in Ordered status and when set to Completed, will update the Last Test Date

- eLab guidelines that are mapped to eLab result codes will update the Last Ordered Date when in Ordered status and when results are received into the system, will update the Last Test Date

- Lab guidelines are manual labs and will update the Last Ordered Date when in Ordered status and when manually set to "Results Received", will update the Last Test Date


To manually set these dates, simply click in the cell for Last Ordered Date or Last Test Date and enter a date in one of the following formats:




* It must be in one of these three formats!


To see the history of each screening for this patient, you can select the "Hx" button. Then, if one of them was entered incorrectly, you can use the red X to delete it:

If a patient needs a screening more often than the normally defined Health Guideline in your practice, you can EDIT the rule for this patient only by selecting the "Edit" button:

You can then type directly into each of the columns noted above to edit the start age, end age, or frequency. Adding a reason like "family history" is helpful in this scenario. 

If a patient refuses to get the screening, you can mark the guideline as "Not Tracking" First, select the Edit button, then the Not Tracking button. This will prompt for a reason and you can type that reason in the box and select OK to save:


Your practice health guideline rules are added and edited from Admin -> Clinical Support -> Health Guidelines

  • 430
  • 08-Jan-2024