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How to adjust work hours for a particular provider

Navigate to the Scheduler and then select from the Scheduler Options menu at the top in the blue bar, the Calendar Options menu item.



On this pop-up window, you will see the following fields at the top:

  • First day of the week and Start of the work week: These control what the week and work week views look like when you switch the Scheduler into those views 
  • Default Day Start and Default Day End are your normal business hours


Below those fields is a tabbed display of days and hours. The first one is where you would add any overrides to your normal business hours.

For example, if you are closed on Saturday and Sunday, you would select the checkbox for "Not Available"

If you have shorter hours on a certain day of the week, you would put those in as well. As pictured, Thursdays the office is only open from 1pm to 4pm

These define anything different from the normal 9:30am to 4:30pm



Then, each provider/resource has it's own tab. If you need to set days and hours different from the normal for a particular provider, you would select that tab and adjust the times. In the example below, Dr. Smith follows the office hours every day except on Tuesday, when he is only available from 10am to 11am.



Once you make any changes you need to make, be sure to select the "OK" button to save.


NOTE: This change takes place immediately, but may require the screen to be refreshed. Also, this is not effective for temporarily marking a day off for a provider. This is to set the work hours per day for providers from this day onwards.