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How do I add Allergy to Latex, Pollen, etc? How to add missing reactions?


Allergens such as Latex and Pollen are found under the “Environmental” tab for those types of Allergies. On the Allergies screen, we have Food, Drug, and Environmental. We default to Drug since that is the most important in the EMR and is used in medication interaction checking.


A screenshot of a medical history

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Finally, if anything is missing in these tabs, you can use the “Add New Allergen” at the bottom of this screen. Type It in and select the “Add” button:




You can edit the Symptoms/Reactions after adding an allergy to a patient chart simply by clicking in the cell with "Unknown" which is the default. Cough and Hives (adverse reactions) can be selected from the dropdown.


A screenshot of a medical history

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If there are any symptoms or reactions that are missing, this is just a list which can be added to from Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry and then selecting the list called "Allergy Symptoms List"


                A screenshot of a computer

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  • 408
  • 16-Oct-2023