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How to add a new Privilege Group and Assign Privileges

This requires a user with Administrative privileges, typically the Office Manager or owner of the practice. 


  1. Go to Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry
  2. Select the List Name on the left = "Privilege Group"

       Remember you can use the alpha-tabs on the left. "P" will filter all the list names down to ones starting with the letter P

  1. Find the empty row at the bottom of the list items
  2. Click right in the cell for List Item Name and enter your new privilege group name. Here we are adding "Billing"

        Be sure to fill in all required columns (it differs for each list). For this list, you must choose whether this group

          should be available to receive intra-office messages or not. The Created By/date and Modified By/date will

          be auto-populated by the system.




  1. In order to be able to define the privileges of this group, you will first need to log out and back in. 
  2. Then navigate to Admin -> Personnel -> Group Privileges
  3. Select the new group at the top of the screen with the dropdown list
  4. Proceed to select the screens and/or functions the users in this group will need access to, selecting the following:
    • All Access: for View, Add, Edit and Delete privilege
    • No Access: a quick way to unselect all the options, but not necessary to use if the users should not have access
    • View Priv: View only with no editing privileges
    • Add Priv
    • Edit Priv
    • Delete Priv

    NOTE: See the document attached for the latest Group Privilege definitions for more information about each one.


  1. Now you can add a user and assign this new Privilege Group from Admin -> Personnel -> Personnel Entry