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How can I look up a Previously Payment made by a Patient?

This is for RCM clients only that have the Payment Log


  1. From the Scheduler, open the Payment Log and then Select "Select Payment Log" button to open the search criteria selection options

       *Note which location you are in as there is a Payment Log for each Practice Location.

         You may need to search in all your locations




  1. First, you will want to use the Clear button to clear out the default search criteria of showing all Payment Logs in "New" status




  1. Then, search for the patient and select the "Search" button.

        You will be returned with a row for every payment that was recorded for the patient in the payment logs. 

        Note, the two columns at the far right show how many payments are noted for that patient in the particular payment log

          and the total paid amount.




  1. Simply click on a row to open that particular payment log. 

        Remember, if you use our Credit Card payment vendor to run credit cards from the EMR and patient portal, then 

        the payment log may be named with "ReLiMed"

  • 388
  • 07-Sep-2023