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Home > Help Documents > Running Report for Health Maintenance overdue for patients
Running Report for Health Maintenance overdue for patients
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To run a report for any health maintenance set up in your system (EX: Physical, Colonoscopy, Influenza, Mammograms, A1C, Lipid Panels, Etc…) you will go to the ‘Reports’ tab at the bottom of the system.

Then you will go to Clinical Supportà Health Maintenance Due


Once there you will need to make sure 2 fields are filled out to pull a list of patients still due for these types of Health Maintenances.

Start Date: You will want to put at least a year back from the date you are running this report. You can go farther back than a year but at least putting a year back will give you an accurate list of patients who have not gotten their health maintenance updated for a year. (EX: Start Date- 7-28-22. End Date- 7-28-23)

Guideline Name: Here you will want to select the appropriate Health Maintenance you are looking to pull data for. If you leave this blank, it will populate patients who are overdue for all Health Maintenances entered in your system between the date range you selected. This will be grouped by the Health Maintenance themselves if you run this report without selecting a specific HM Guidelines.


Once you select the date range, the Guideline Name, and run this report you will be able to see a list of these patients populated with their last test date and when they were due next.


Extra fields:

Group by option: This groups the patients populated on this list by either the payors or payor groups.

Guideline Type: This will allow you to select what type of guideline rather than the name of the guideline. (Lab, Test and Procedure, eLab, Encounter type, and Immunization)

‘Include when no last Test Date’ check box will allow you to pull in patients who meet the requirements for these types of Health Maintenances, but they have not completed this with your office or these were not entered into the system before.

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