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Sending CCDAs or Referral Documents to Providers using Secure Direct Email

Using Secure Direct Email


ReLiMed EMR users with Direct Email subscription can send secure email to other providers or clinics or hospitals using the "Direct Email" technology.


Required Feature: ReLiMed Direct Email Service should be subscribed to  (this may incure additional cost).

*Please note that to send direct email, the receiver should also be registered to send/receive the Direct Email through their EMR system.


For CCDAs: Patient Chart-> Summary Of Care -> Click CCDA button. 

For Referrals: Patient Chart -> Encounters -> Plan -> Referrals 

                         Dashboard -> Orders Management -> Referral Tracking


Sending a CCDA (Continuity of Care Dcoument Architecture):

  1. After Generating a CCDA from Summary of Care screen, in the CCDA Document Popup, Click on Send Direct Email button
  2. You will see a popup with your/proivder name filled up and you can search for the provider you want to send the CCDA to. You can enter the direct email address in "To" field. You can also search for the direct email using our search feature
  3. CCDA and any style sheet that is needed to view the CCDA xml will be auto attached to the email
  4. You can add any note in the body of the email in the bottom box. 
  5. If needed, you can attach otherr documents to the email as well
  6. Click Send button in the top right corner.


Searching for the Direct Email address for the provider you are trying to send the CCDA/Referral to:

  • Click on ellipses button next to "To:" field in the screen shown above
  • You can serach by organization or the provider first and last name as well as the direct email address if you know it
  • Once the result populated in the grid below, select and row, and click on Select button



Sending a Refferral:

  1. Once you add a Referral provider, Select the referral
  2. Click on the CCDA button 
  3. This creates the CCDA button and pops up the same screen as described in"Send CCDA" section above. Follow the same steps to send the information to the referral provider.
  4. If the Referral Provider entered already has a direct email associated with their admin record in ReLiMed, the "To" field is auto populated on the Direct Email Compose screen