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How to Add Medications if its not available to search and select.

Some medications may not exist in the drug database that ReLiMed uses. this can be for various resons, most common reason for not finding a medication when you serach is that the medication is new in the market and it can take several weeks for it to make it to our drug database. Depending on the timing of the updates that the drug database vendor publishes, it can sometimes take a month or two. 


When this happens, we recommend that you type the medication name into the Rx field as if you are searching for it.

Add the appropriate Signa by clicking on the Edit button (or add "Use as directed", if there are special instructions) 

Add total quantity and select most appropriate unti that goes with that medication

Select the Provider and click Prescribe/Add. 

This will inform you that you wont be able to electronically transmit

But you should be able to Print and give it as a printed prescription


In the above example we added a DME/Supply 

To search for DME/Supply, you need to make sure you select the DEM/Supplies option in the search drop down