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How to Run Credit Card from EMR

Run Credit Card feature is available when you sign up with the credit card vendor ReLiMed is connected with. At this time the only interface we have is with Nexio/CMS Online. Please review the article titled "Can Patients Pay their Bill Online" at this link Once you are set up with the credit card merchant vendor, it can take about one to two weeks for ReLiMed Tier 2 support team to complete the set up on our end. 


NOTE: If you run credit cards from a manual "swipe" machine at your office whether with Nexio or another bank, these payments will NOT automatically be recorded on the Payment Log. If you are an RCM Client of ReLi Med Solutions, then you will also need to enter those payments on the Payment Log manually. 


You will then be able to run credit card from within ReLiMed EMR. 


From Scheduler:

  1. Right click on an Appointment and you will see "Run Credit Card" menu item as shown below.
  2. Select the option and it will open an online screen for payment portal
  3. Staff can add the amount, card information and any missing required information (fields with red stars * ) and click on Process Payment



From Patient Chart:

  1. Go to Patient Chart -> Patient Info -> Billing Account Screen
  2. You will see Run Credit Card button at the top right corner of the Grid you are viewing
  3. When this button is clicked, you will see the same payment portal online page open up
  4. Staff can add the amount, card information and any missing required information (fields with red stars * ) and click on Process Payment. 



For RCM Clients:

  1. The payments run using the Run Credit Card or any payments Patients pay from Patient Portal online screen will get populated automatically into Payment Log
  2. You can open Scheduler -> Payment Log menu Item and look for the entry in today active payment logs. 
  3. ReLiMed Billing Service Team will take these payments and post them accordingly to respective patient accounts.