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Home > Help Documents > How to View EOBS
How to View EOBS
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How to View EOBS

When you are logged into the system you will click on “Patient Chart” at the bottom of the screen.

From here you will be brought to the patient chart in the “Patient Info” tab.  You will want to search for a patient at the top right of this screen by entering a Medical Record Number, Last Name, First Name, and/or Date of Birth.



On the left side of the screen, you will then select the “Billing Account” tab.


When in the ‘Billing Account' tab, you will see a tab ‘Claims Search’ that you will click on. On this screen you will be able to put a date range of all claims to pull up for this specific patient. You can also click clear and then search to pull up every claim for this patient within the system no matter the date range.


Then you will have your claims to view at the bottom half of this screen. When looking at the claim line and you scroll to the right, you will see “View EOB” which you can select and review any EOB document uploaded to this claim.


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