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CCM Time Tracker

ReLiMed Time Tracker allows users to track time during an encounter. Users can start the timer, pause and continue and then update the encounter time to elapsed time. This helps keep track of Chronic Care Management (CCM) encounter times. System also provides a Dashboard screen for CCM enrolled Patients, that gives time spent on a patient per month. This helps the office complete any pending chronic care management encounters 


Timer Navigation: Encounter (shown on the Patient Chart Menu under the patient search tool)


CCM Patient Enrollment Setup: Patient Demographics -> User Defined Fields -> CCM Enrolled


CCM Dashboard Screen: Dashboard - > CCM


Appointment Type Setup: Scheduler -> Scheduler Options -> Appointment Types 

You need to add an appointment type with Template type set to CCM Encounter


Encounter Summary Display Preference: Practice Location Preference 'Show Appointment Details For CCM Encounters' Summary to be set to Yes. Please request ReLiMed Support to set this preference.


For tracking CCM Times the above set up is needed. When the provider gets ready to make a call to the patient for chronic care management, following steps are needed:

  1. Enroll the patient to CCM in Patient Demographics -> User Defined Fields. 
  2. Create a CCM Appointment and do the check in to create an encounter. OR add new encounter from Encounter List on Patient chart and make sure CCM appointment type is selected. 
  3. When they start talking to the patient or reviewing the Labs or performing any CCM related task
  4. Go to CCM Timer which is shown right under Patient Search control, and Start the timer on that encounter (play icon) and stop/pause it when done. 
  5. Click on Update button next to the timer to record the time (It will add the time from the timer to the Encounter Start Time and updates Encounter End Time). 
  6. If you need to edit the time manually, you can click on the Edit button next to the time and type in the hours/minutes/seconds. Click Update.
  7. Please note that the timer will remember the amount of time previously spent and will start from there, it will take (Encounter End Time - Encounter Start Time). If your appointment types are set up with a default amount of time, timer will start from that default time (ex: if CCM Follow up appointment type is set up with a default of 5 minutes, timer will start from 5 minutes, you can manually edit to over write this time. Or you should set up CCM appointment types with 0 minutes).


CCM Timer will stay ON as long as you are navigating within the patient chart. If you navigate away from the Patient chart menu at the bottom, the timer will go away and when you return, you will start from whatever was previously saved for the encounter time.


If the Encounter Summary Display mentioned above is set up, the Patient details with the Time spent are shown for CCM encounters which comes in handy if an audit is one




On the Dashboard screen you will see the times spent for the calendar month for each patient that is enrolled with CCM. This allows to you work on patients that need the CCM performed for the month.