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How to allow a patient to see a document on their patient portal?

How can I allow a patient to see a document on their patient portal?


Any patient document that is under a Document Type that is specified as "Show in Portal" will be able to be viewed from the patient's portal account. 


From Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry, select the "Document Type" list on the left to see the list. The ones with "Show" under the "Show in Portal" column will be exposed to the patient portal.



The patient will see all documents types in there portal account and any documents uploaded to that type:

NOTE: If the practice has a preference set to "Show documents on portal only after Reviewed" then the document must be marked Reviewed before the patient will be able to view it on the portal.

** This can only be set up by ReLiMed Support at this time, contact support if you need the documents to be shown only after review.




Now, from the Patient Portal, once the patient (or portal user) is logged in, they would navigate to Documents and the Document Type to see the exposed documents:


  • 299
  • 27-Jun-2023