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Appointment Types

Things to keep in mind while entering Appointment Types:


  1. Template Type
  2. Appointment Type Billing Behavior
  3. Restricted Access
  4. Number Of Minutes
  5. Location


Template Type: Selection of this drives following Encounter related rules:

  1. Lab Only, Shot Only, Non-face-to-face: Non-Provider with EncounterSign/Close privilege will be able to close the encounters. If they do not have the privilege they will have to send it to a provider supervisor to close the encounter.
  2. Telemedicine: Show video icon on appointments and also allows them to send teext and email invites to telemedicine type of appointments if they subscribed to our Zoom video licenses.
  3. Confidential: Encounters with this appointment template type are not shown in patient portal.
  4. GroupEncounter* (future use): Encounters will be associated with an encounter group and is tpically used for Chronic Care Management type if appointments where they need a total time across all encounters that fall in a group
  5. All other template types are considered face-to-face and will folow the normal Provider signing and closing rules. 
  6. Physical: Shows Physical tab by default for Chief Complaints List, when user go to HPI section of the Encounter. 


Appointment Type Billing Behavior: Selection of this drives if the encounter needs a claim created. 

Billable: Will create a claim when encounter is created and will allow the charge entry. If the location preference to check the E&M and Dx code is set, it will also warn the provider to enter an E&M code as well as a primary Dx code if they are missing.

Non-Billable: A claim is not created when Encounter is created. Users will not be able to add charges to the encounter.


Restricted Access: Appointments with this setting controls who can view the encounters in the office.

Restricted: Only users with "Access Restricted Medical Records" privilege set can view/add/edit chart notes if their have the view/add/edit for the different tabs within encounter.

Not-Restricted: All users can access the chart notes according to their normal view/add/edit privileges.


Number of Minutes

This setting will auto calculate End Date/Time while adding an appointment.



Determines which location allos the selection of the appointment type while adding an appointment in the scheduler. Default selection is All. If a system has multiple locations and they want different appointment types available in different locations, then they should specify that in this field.