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How Can I Tell if a Patient Received a Reminder Call / Text / or Email

From the Scheduler, right-click on the appointment and select "View Status History"


There are three separate statuses that are recorded by the ReLiMed Automated Patient Reminder service: 

- Reminded by Email

- Reminded by AutoPhoneCall

- Reminded by SMS/Text

You can hover over the Status Date column value to see the entire Date/Time. You can also widen the column with your mouse by clicking and dragging the column divider.


Your office has a schedule configured for when each of these types of reminders go out to the patients.


There is also a Custom report included in your Scheduler where you can see the status of the reminders for a date range of appointments. For example, you can see at a glance if there were any issues with reminders for today's appointments if you go to Scheduler -> Reports and select "CUSTOM Automated Reminders Report by Appointment Date" and set the Start and End Dates to today. You will get a record for every attempt that the reminder service makes. If there is a bad phone number or email address, you may see the status = "Failed" and several attempts before the system gives up. 


The "Reminder Sent To" will report the number used. For example, if we are attempting to send a Text (SMS) to a land line, that will fail. If it is an email type, then the email needs to be a valid email. 


The last three rows below show a successful set of reminders for an appointment today. The appointment is 9/12/2022 at 9am and the patient had a successful Text message sent on 9/11/2022 at 8am, a successful phone message on 9/8/2022 at 11am, and a successful email sent 9/5/2022 at 7:01AM. 



Any failures should alert your staff to double check the phone number or email for the patient. 


  • 251
  • 12-Sep-2022