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Do Document Notes Get Included with a Patient Medical Record Export

Normally these comments do not print with the chart. However, if you attach the document to an encounter, they will be included on the encounter summary. Typically, all eLab results that come into the EMR are automatically attached to an encounter, so any notes added to those would show in the Encounter Summary: Lab Results section with a heading of “Result Notes” Below is an example:




You can attach other documents manually to an encounter when you are uploading it through Document Management with the "Attach to" section as shown below:



Also from Patient Documents after it has been uploaded with the Attach To button.


You will not see a Date in the Encounter textbox if it is not first attached to one:



Click on the button Attach To and select an encounter in the dropdown:



Document Notes show in an encounter summary section named “Document Notes”



  • 249
  • 12-Sep-2022