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How Can I Tell When a Patient Received a Statement Last

Go to Patient Chart -> Patient Info -> Patient Accounts and click on the "Statements" tab. You will see a grid with all the times statements were generated that included that patient.



Important things to note:

- Total Charges is the total balance reported to the patient on this statement

- Created Date is the date the statement was generated. Remember it could take several days for the statement to reach the patient as it is sent to a Clearinghouse for printing, stuffing and mailing and then it has to be delivered by the post office to the patient

- To see the actual statement, including the address it was sent to, click on the ellipsis button [...] under the PDF column and it will pop-up the entire set of statements. Click on control-F to type in the patient's name or account number to go right to that page for the patient. 



  • 246
  • 23-Apr-2024