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How Can I Make an Appointment Type Always be Non Billable

If you have certain appointments that should never be charged, for example: telephone encounter, data entry, or lab order only, you can set the appointment type itself to be Non Billable and no claim will be created. This will remove the need to have to communicate with the billing team that the claims are not billable. 


This value can be set when entering a new Appointment Type under Admin -> Lists -> List Item Entry OR from Scheduler -> Scheduler Options -> Appointment Types. Simply click in the cell and choose the correct selection from the drop down then click off the cell (or tab off) to save the selection. "Billable Encounter" will create a claim and "Non-Billable Encounter" will not create a claim. You should not leave it blank (which is how it is shown below as "[EditValue is Null]")


  • 243
  • 25-Aug-2022