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How to look up previously uploaded EOB Documents (RCM Clients Only)

ReLiMed RCM Clients Only


If you want to check if you had previously uploaded an EOB document through EOB Uploads, or see the current status of it, follow these steps:


1. Open Payment Log

2. Click on "EOB Documents"

    By default this screen only loads the current OPEN/NEW documents that have been uploaded

3. Click on "Search EOB Docs" to bring up an advanced Search screen


NOTE: You will want to select the "Clear" button first to clear out the EOB Status = New because that is what was shown by default on the initial screen. From here you could specify a different status, a date range and/or specific Personnel that uploaded the document. 


4. Once you have entered your search criteria, select the "Search" button to show the results. 


Other useful buttons for each document are:

  • "Hx" button shows the status history. Here you be able to see who/when it was uploaded and when the Billing team downloaded and Posted it. 
  • "Notes" button allows users to add notes to the document
  • "View" will display the document 
  • "Download" will download the document to your computer
  • "Post" is reserved for the Billing Team


  • 217
  • 01-Jun-2022