ReLiMed RCM Clients Only
If you want to check if you had previously uploaded an EOB document through EOB Uploads, or see the current status of it, follow these steps:
1. Open Payment Log
2. Click on "EOB Documents"
By default this screen only loads the current OPEN/NEW documents that have been uploaded
3. Click on "Search EOB Docs" to bring up an advanced Search screen
NOTE: You will want to select the "Clear" button first to clear out the EOB Status = New because that is what was shown by default on the initial screen. From here you could specify a different status, a date range and/or specific Personnel that uploaded the document.
4. Once you have entered your search criteria, select the "Search" button to show the results.
Other useful buttons for each document are:
- "Hx" button shows the status history. Here you be able to see who/when it was uploaded and when the Billing team downloaded and Posted it.
- "Notes" button allows users to add notes to the document
- "View" will display the document
- "Download" will download the document to your computer
- "Post" is reserved for the Billing Team