Feb 19, 2024
Pulling Provider Signature on Referrals, Labs, and Medications
- Make sure that the check box to “Use Provider Signature When Available” is checked in: Admin → Locations → Preferences
- Providers MUST have the privilege PersonnelEntry granted in order to add a signature. This can be granted temporarily until the provider adds their signature.
- Make sure that the Provider has a signature in the system in: Admin → Personnel → Personnel Entry → select the provider in Personnel drop down menu selector→ Provider Info → Signature. The Provider Info tab only appears for personnel that is marked as a provider type (Physician, PA, etc.) role.
NOTE: Users can also access this Personnel screen directly from the Main Menu Bar at their logged in name with the arrow icon and then “My Profile”
- To create a signature, the provider must be logged in as him/her self. Have the provider navigate to the location in step 3
- using the mouse, for a laptop or desktop, or a finger or stylus, for a touch screen, have the provider add in a Signature in the box
- try to have the signature as centered as possible
- if the provider needs to re-sign, click on the “Clear” button in the top right corner of the box
- when the provider feels his/her signature is acceptable, click on the “Accept” button
- the Signer's Name should be automatically populated with the provider's name
- click on the “Save” button in the top right corner of the application to save the updated entry
- using the mouse, for a laptop or desktop, or a finger or stylus, for a touch screen, have the provider add in a Signature in the box
On a medication:
- Providers can print preview from anywhere and still see their signature pull in
- Non-Providers must print from the Encounter → Plans → Medications; unless the prescription is written outside the Encounter in Medical History → Medications
- No free hand medications or controlled medications will print with a provider signature.
- Free Hand = medications that are not chosen from the pop-up list provided through SureScripts
- Controlled = Scheduled medications that require a ink signature from the provider
- When printing a group of medications, if one of the selected medication is a controlled or free hand medication, then the provider's signature will not pull in to the print out.
On a Lab:
- Signatures do not pull in Lab Requisition forms