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Home > Help Documents > Billing Edit Claims: Billing Secondary Claims/Setting COB Information
Billing Edit Claims: Billing Secondary Claims/Setting COB Information
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COB Overrides are done on all secondary claims.

IF claims come in as ERA most areas are prefilled


Manual posting and $0.00 payments will have to be filled in manual


Please follow the following steps each and every time and you will be successful with overrides.


1. To Begin go to the Rebills/COB tab.

2. Review your fields going down the list:

  • Payor ID- this is the primary insurance edi payor id. This field pulls but can be edited if needed.

        **This should MATCH the Payor ID of the Primary Payor

  • Payor Paid Amt- this is the grand total amount paid from the primary insurance. This field is mandatory.



3. Once completed, go back to Claim Details and you will be prompted to save.


Always click yes this is very important



4. From Billing -> Edit Claims screen, Search and select the claim that needs to be filed to Secondary. It will have a green R to indicate it has already been transmitted once:



5. For each line item (CPT Code billed), you will need to set the Line Item COB settings, scroll to the right and click on the down arrow in the row the line item with the column heading of “Overrides”:



6. This will bring up a pop-up window. The system will try to pull what is can from the Primary Claim if it was Auto-posted from the ERA.

You will still need to check each field and then click OK to save the values.

*** It will be very important to Save the System suggested overrides - you will notice the label in RED when they have not been saved yet: 



7. Review your fields going down the list:





• Payor ID- this is the primary insurance edi payor id. This field pulls but can be edited if needed.

**This should MATCH the Payor ID of the Primary Payor

• Payor Paid Amt- this is the grand total amount paid from the primary insurance. This field is mandatory.


8. Make sure the claim is set to the next payor in line to be sent.

Mark it Ready to Bill.


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