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How to get a list of Patients that have a particular Insurance

There are 2 different options:

  1. To run a report for patients with a particular payor/Insurance, you can run the Patients by Insurance Summary report which will only give numbers OR you can see the actual list of patients by running the Patients by Insurance Details report…


Reports -> Patient -> Patients by Insurance Details



Enter Date range and Payor


 You can input a date range for when the patients were seen or alternatively leave dates blank, search for the particular Payor, and also select whether to include patients that have the                                 insurance as a Secondary/Tertiary as opposed to just as a Primary. 


OR   -

  1. Admin (bottom) -> Billing (top) -> Payor entry -> Search Payor -> Patient Lists (will display list of pts by name/MR#/start date


You can also print the list or export to excel from this screen. 

  • 132
  • 11-May-2022