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Agent Portal
Knowledge Base
Agent Portal
Knowledge Base
Training Videos
Training Videos
Add links to videos
Admin: Adding User Forms or Patient Forms
Admin: Audit Logs Tutorial
Admin: CPT Codes Tutorial
Admin: Inventory Management Tutorial Video
Admin Overview Training
Admin: Personnel Audit Logs
Admin Portal Users Tutorial
Admin: Practice Location Tutorial
Admin: ROS Template Building
Admin: Tests and Procedures Video Tutorial
Appointment / Encounter Status Workflow
AutoPosting Tutorial
Billing: Adding New Flu Vaccine with CPT Code
Billing Fee Schedule Video Tutorial
Billing for Home / SNF / ALF Visits Tutorial
Billing: Generate Claims Tutorial
Corporate Account Tutorial
Dashboard: Today's Appointments Tutorial
Edit Claims Tutorial
Encounters: Encounter Editor
Encounters: HPI Screen Tutorial
Encounters: Vitals Screen Tutorial
FD: Recording Patient Patients Collected / Uploading EOB or other Payor Documents
Front Desk: Attaching/Uploading Patient Documents
Front Desk: Exporting Medical Records / Referrals Export
How to Prescribe Scheduled II Drugs for 90 Days with 3 Consecutive 30 day Scripts
MA / Nursing Charting Training
Messaging Tutorial
Orders Management Medication Screens Tutorial
Patient Lists and Health Guidelines Tutorial
Patient Portal Tutorial
Patient Reminders Tutorial
Personnel Entry Tutorial
Provider: ROS Charting Tutorial
Provider: Template Patient Tutorial
Provider Training / Charting Tutorial
Referral Workflow Tutorial
ReLiMed EMR Get Started Tutorial
Scheduler Tutorial