Billingà Post paymentsà New patient payment
You will start on the first part of this screen by filling out the payment (refund) details:
- Search for the patient
- Enter in a negative payment amount. (Ex: if you are refunding $5 to the patient you will enter a negative -5 in this field)
- Select a payment method
- Enter in ref ID
- You can change the payment date if needed
- Add any notes you would like for this payment
- Then Save
Then below you will find the claim you need this payment (refund) posted to.
- Search for the patients claim
- Select the claim (The selected claim will be highlighted in dark blue)
- Then post
The next pop up you will need to work top to bottom to save this payment (refund).
Your fields should automatically populate the details from your payment, but these can be changed or adjusted before saving.
- Make sure your payment field as a negative amount (This amount will be in parenthesis)
- Payment code is selected.
- You can add a new payment code by going to adminà Listà List item entryà Payment Reason Codes.
- Add a new item to the bottom of this list and make sure to select ‘Patient’ for column ‘Billing codes applied to patient or payor’.
- Add any transactions notes needed.
- Then ‘Apply changes’.
You will want to make sure your bottom grid represents what you would like to be saved for each line item and the bottom of this grids row will represent what amounts will be saving for each column (Pmt Amt, CoPay/Coinsurance, Deductible, & Adj Amt). Then you will save this payment (refund) to the claim.
If you have multiple claims for the patient you need to post this refund to then you can repeat steps 8 and after to save the remaining payment (refund).