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Home > Help Documents > How to add new resource/column on the scheduler
How to add new resource/column on the scheduler
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From the scheduler you will go to ‘Scheduler Options’à 'Add Resource'

Then a pop up will come up and you should see the existing providers and resources already created on the scheduler. You will go to the blank row on the bottom of this list and begin to add this new resource.

The first column will be the Resource name. Then you will be able to check the boxes ‘Active’, ‘Auto Reminders’, ‘Show in portal’.

-Active: When checked this will show on the scheduler.

-Auto Reminder: When checked, if your office has text/email/phone reminders for appointments that go out to your patients, this resource appointments will also be included.

-Show in Portal: When checked, if you have self-scheduling on the patient portal this will allow this resource to be scheduled on.

*** -Is Provider: This is a selection you do not make for non- provider resources. This is automatically checked when a new active provider is added into the system. ***

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