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Patient Alerts
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Patient Alerts

When using patient alerts within the system, you can set this to only show on the patient chart but also can be helpful since this can be flagged on the scheduler screen as well which will show up when there is an appointment for this patient.

               Reasons you may use this feature:

  • Needing to alert the front desk when checking in a patient…
    • That hasn’t been seen in years who may need to fill out new intake paperwork.
    • Balance has been sent to collections but it still active in the system so they are aware when checking in this patient that they owe past due money to the office before being seen.
    • They need updated insurance info, demographic info, billing info
    • That the patient has a credit and not to collect as much next visit.
  • Another alert to add that may not need to be seen by the front desk but is a helpful alert for other staff are the patients active allergies. Our system does add an alert once you document in an encounter any of these allergies and the alerts screen will show this.

  • There are many uses you can utilize this feature for that may be very helpful for your front desk flow as well as any alert useful for staff to see that pertain just for this patient.


These are the steps on how you can use ‘Patient Alerts’


When in a patient chart you will go to the ‘Patient Info’ Tab. And then you will look for ‘Patient Alerts’ in the list on the left side of the screen.



Once there on the screen you will see Patient Alert, Comment, Show in Scheduler, Alert on Check In and beside this information will list the date this was added and who added/modified this alert.


On the image above please refer to the steps below.

  1. Patient Alert- This is a drop-down box which you can choose any previously saved or used alerts in the system. But you also can free text within this box if you do not see the type of alert to add for a patient.
  2. Comments- This is a free text box to add any additional notes that will be helpful for this alert you are creating.
  3.  Show in scheduler- If this box is checked you will be able to view any alert for this patient that is marked with this box within the scheduler when you click on a patient’s appointment. You will be able to view this on the left-hand side of the scheduler screen once you have selected an appointment. Then you will select the ‘Alerts’ tab.


  1. Alert on Check In- This feature is useful when checked if you need this alert to pop up for the front desk to see as soon as checking in a patient in the office. Once the status is changed on the scheduler screen these pop up will force you to review and close before proceeding.


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