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Home > Help Documents > Accessing and Printing Encounter (Visit) Summary
Accessing and Printing Encounter (Visit) Summary
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To print Individual Encounter (Visit) Summary:

Navigation: Patient Chart -> Encounters -> Encounter Summary

  1. If User Time Stamps are needed, Use Print Preview button, Select User Time Stamp Option on the popup that displays all the sections of the note that you can incorportate
  2. Click Submit. This will display the encounter summary will be displayed and you can Print the note. 
  3. If time stamps are not needed, you can click on Print button*.


* Our system allows you to set up what parts of the encoutner summary should print by default when you click on Print button. This can be done in Admin -> Locations ->Print Preferences tab. You will need Admin privileges to do this setup. If you do not have admin privilege, please get your managers approval and have them give you that privilege OR have them contact our support requesting ReLiMed Support to give you the admin privilege to set these up by emailing [email protected].


To Print all Chart notes for a patient:

Navigation: Patient Chart, Click on the arrow next to the menu item and select Export Chart.

Please review the following article from our support center on how to use export chart functionality

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