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Home > Help Documents > Running Financial Reports
Running Financial Reports
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ReLiMed EMR has many different financial reports.  

Privilege Name: Financial Reports

Navigation: Reports -> Billing -> Financial Reports


Following reports can be run to get complete picture of practice financials:

MTDYTD Financial Summary: This report can be run to get multiple pieces of information.

  1. Revenue collected in a Year
  2. Revenue collected for claims dates of services in a particular Year OR Claims billed in a Year
  3. AR Balances for a Year


Revenue collected in a Year

To get this information, select MTDYTD report and choose Date Type = Date Posted and the Year you want to generate the report for.

For multiple locations, you can generate a separate report for each selected location. If you prefer to generate single report across all locations, you should click Reset button so location selection is removed. Then select the Date Type and the Year and click Submit.


Revenue collected for claims dates of services in a particular Year / Claims billed in a Year 

To get the revenue collected for claims dated in a particular year (here the collection may have actually happened in a different year) you need to select MTDYTD report and choose Date Type = Date Of Service and the Year you want to generate the report for.

For multiple locations, you can generate a separate report for each selected location. If you prefer to generate single report across all locations, you should click Reset button so location selection is removed. Then select the Date Type and the Year and click Submit.

No. Of claims gives the total number of claims with dates of services that fell in the selected year. Total Charges give the total charge amount for these claims.


AR Balances for a Year

To get the AR balances for a particular year, you need to select Date Type = Date of Service and Year and click submit. Here you need to look for Payer Balance column to get the Payor AR and Patient Balance column to get Patient AR.


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